Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Army Medivac Chopper at Phu Cat Vietnam

US Army Medivac Chopper hovering over aluminum metal ramp at Phu Cat Airbase, Vietnam - 1972. Aircraft framed by mountains, revetment, and external fuel tank of C-130 against backdrop of billowing afternoon thunderheads.

Fork Lift Riders - Saigon Tan Son Nhut Airfield

Favorite Vietnam photo technically from a photographer's viewpoint ... Saigon's Tan Son Nhut Airfield - 1972. Heavy metal, a combo of human insights, and nature's building fury in the background. i also think this is very strong compositionally.

Destroyed Passenger Terminal at Phnom Penh

Here a copilot friend Frank from Mississippi who was on another C-130 crew stands inside a recently destroyed passenger terminal at the Phnom Penh Airport in Cambodia - 1972. In the background some guy is scavenging anything of meager value. We flew frequent resupply missions here using much caution during approach and departure because of hostiles not far beyond the perimeters of the airfield.

Creative Transportation 1972

I kinda laugh every time I see this ... the guy pedaling in front must have lost the bet. And why the heck is he carrying a bag in his hand with all the room on the cart ... maybe it contains his valuables and he does not trust his buddy in back. Here's what I call a mega bike trailer putting today's tiny modern ones to shame. Photo taken somewhere in Taiwan ... probably Taichung - 1972. If you want it, they probably have it on that trailer.

Monday, May 16, 2011

C-121 Constellation at DaNang Vietnam

A USAF Lockheed C-121 Constellation as seen through open rear cargo doors of C-130 on ramp at DaNang, Vietnam - 1972. 856 Connies were built from 1943 to 1958, and had the distinctive dolphin-shaped fuselage and triple-tail design. With its four 18 cylinder engines it saw service both in WWII and here in Vietnam. In the background are a squadron of C-119 Flying Boxcars parked along a row of revetments. Among other things some of these Connies served as airborne command posts coordinating various real time air operations.

Hammock at Nakon Phnom Thailand (NKP)

Hanging out in hammock strung up on wooden walkway outside barracks at Nakon Phnom Airbase, Thailand -1972. These nylon hammocks were very common, and often used in cargo area of C-130 on long trips when deadheading in and out of Vietnam. If you didn't have back ache to begin with, you would after lying in these things for a while.

Football at Takhli Thailand

Spent a few TDYs at Takhli Airbase in Thailand - 1972. They had an evening cookout where some of the guys played touch football before too many beers and burgers were consumed. Long pass in the air with backdrop of hangers, guard shack, concertina wire, and a few tails of C-130s poking up in the air on the right.

A-4 Skyhawk at Bien Hoa Vietnam

A Douglas A-4 Marine Skyhawk parked in an array of revetments at Bien Hoa Airbase, Vietnam - 1972. The A-4 also could be carrier based and was a single jet engine light attack aircraft used by both the Navy and Marines. Functionally it was a successor to the single piston engine driven A-1 also used extensively in Vietnam.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Utapao Thailand Beach

Often our C-130 crew staged flights out of Utapao Airbase at southern tip of Thailand on the Gulf of Siam - 1972. A wide variety of aircraft were stationed at Utapao including B-52s, KC-135s,  U-2s, and more. On down days we often went off base to nearby city of Sattahip, or to the Pattaya Beach resort. However, there was also a nice small beach on base that not only included shaded thatched roof areas, but also a guard tower. The beach was near the south end of the runway ... when taking off to the south the large jets roared very close by over head.

DaNang Passenger Terminal and Loading Area

I'm sure many of today's older veterans may have passed through this area during the Vietnam War years. Pictured is the no-frills passenger terminal area at DaNang Airbase, Vietnam as it was in 1972. This area was right next to the aircraft parking ramp where loading of both passengers and cargo often occurred. The slanted fences are jet blast barriers  for protection against nearby engine run-ups. The building to far right has the acronym "ALCE" on the front ... as I recall that was the Air Logistics Control Center for the base. Hopefully red-white checkered water tower made for more attractive target for incoming morning wake-up call rockets than living quarters.

Saigon Ramp Activity

A large folk lift rushing by in blur in front of a parked C-130-E on the ramp at Tan Son Nhut Airbase, Saigon, Vietnam - 1972.