Sunday, January 30, 2011

Herky Hilton Saigon

Here is the entryway to Herky Hilton where C-130 Hercules Officers stayed while at Tan Son Nhut Airbase in Saigon – 1972. All things are relative, and although this was no Ritz-Carlton it was truly heaven compared to what the troops in the field were provided … we were safe here, dry, and enjoyed electricity, hot water showers, and manageable amounts of creeper crawlers … even had flush toilets. Vietnamese women housekeepers would do laundry and provide clean linens. Lucky to often have private room or shared one with another crewmember. Each small rectangular room had simple gray, bare concrete floor and walls … can’t recall any windows. Appointments were a minimal barracks steel frame bunk and dingy ceiling light. There was a metal locker, maybe a chair … can’t recall anything with draws but there may have been. Only other items I remember were two steel helmets under the bunk … guess we were supposed to put them on in case of a rocket attack. Life here was good after a full day of flying and post flight trip to the bar.

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