Sunday, January 30, 2011

Saigon woman

Women taking leisurely walk down the street in Saigon holding bamboo stick and straw hat along with typical garb and sandals. We didn’t have much free time in Saigon as we flew most every day while staying in relatively crude BOQ (Bachelor Officer Quarters) on the Tan Son Nhut Airbase. There was plenty to do on base, and it was too easy to get in trouble outside the gates in the bustling city - 1971.

1 comment:

  1. Looking for VU THI MY (MINH) NEAR TROUNG MINH KY/TROUNG MINH GIANG 1971-1972. Finance's name is Mark who was with the 716th MP's Saigon. I've been looking for her for a very very long time. Her age now would be around 60yrs old or more.
    Thank You,
