Wednesday, February 16, 2011

C130 Cargo Bay Passengers

Loadmaster in back of C-130 referring to cargo manual loading charts -  SEA 1972. Note the red nylon web seats that could be rigged to accommodate up to 90 soldiers … this was “first class” C-130 type seating reserved for US troops. Often when transporting ARVN soldiers there was nothing more than metal cargo pallets where as many as 300 troops were packed into the cargo area standing or sitting on the floor. At least late in the Vietnam war it appears many of the ARVN troops we carried were very young teens, many wearing only sandals, but sporting a shinny new M16 rifle … uncontrolable chain reaction air-sickness was common during these bumpy flights and the cargo area was not a good place to be. Occasionally tempted to don standby oxygen masks in cockpit as smells wafted up from cargo area … loadmaster(s) who were somewhat required to remain in cargo area with troops made their displeasure clearly known over headsets. Fire departments sometimes called out after landing to hose down cargo bay. Yet another reality of the war zone.

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