Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Orange Mini Taxi Jakata

Eco-travel in Jakarta, Indonesia – 1973. These nimble little taxis were a cheap way to travel with enclosed cab providing some isolation from the noise and fumes although had be quite toasty inside … appears passenger was wiping head with handkerchief as vehicle zips past. I like the driver’s lid. I was unable to find out much about this “CANDRAMUS” on the web although the word is related to an Indian Moon God ... not sure if that was an advertisement or name of the vehicle maker. It looks like a common motor scooter with creative front end modifications. The words "3 ORANG" on front may mean 3 person capacity??? ... seems like a stretch to me. In any case this looks like a precursor to the orange Bajaj three-wheel taxis very common in 2011 Indonesia. Main difference is the Bajajs have middle wheel and driver in front with an enclosure added.


  1. If you want a cab this is a must visit blog for you!!
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  2. The most surprising feature is the rider's position behind the passengers compartment.
