Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Saigon Lambro 550

Two tree-wheeled Lambro 550 vehicles waiting for GI fares in Saigon – 1972. I know these cheap public transportation noise and pollution makers had nick names but can’t remember what … reminds me a bit of the old jitney buses in Atlantic City. A trip in one of these could sometimes rival a thrilling amusement park ride especially in congested downtown traffic. A little research shows they were Italian made with tiny 9hp, 198cc engines, and did get 45mpg. Appears steering and controls inside cab of this 4-speed was similar to a motorcycle. Thank goodness top speed was only 35mph.

1 comment:

  1. Hop-Tacs? We used to pile 6 guys in them to ride to and from the avionics maintenance building at Tan Son Nhut.
