Monday, February 14, 2011

T-33 in Borneo

A two-seated Lockheed T-33 USAF jet trainer. Known as the Shooting Star, this aircraft was first built in 1948 and used for advanced UPT (Undergraduate Pilot Training) until the early 60’s. Even in 1972 when picture was taken the plane was considered old, although I believe some are still in service today with private owners. Location of photo is at airbase in Kuching … a large city in Eastern Malaysia on the island of Borneo. A real mystery as to why a T-33 would be there at that time. Our C-130 crew spent the night in Kuching on our way to Jakarta … I vividly remember staying off base in town where we were a real curiosity to the locals. I kept expecting to see “The Wild Man From Borneo” for those who remember the character from one of the old “Little Rascal” episodes.


  1. We ferried a couple of T-33s from Clark to Djakarta. Carried ground crew and a ground power unit (MD-3). Had to island hop down, limited by the range of the T-Birds. I was a LM in the 776th at the time.

  2. It was probably there for the Base Commander. I got my first USAF back seat ride at Perrin AFB at the Civil Air Patrol Jet orientation course. and later flew the UH-1 and OH-6A out of Chu Lai in '68-'69. Cheers!
