Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A-1E at NKP

This photo had a “1972 NKP” label on it. It’s a close up view of an A-1E[H] at Nakom Phnom Airbase in Thailand on border with Laos. This WWII vintage Naval aircraft was used also by the USAF for Tactical Air support in Vietnam. The single seat, single piston engine machine flew relatively slow, but could absorb a lot of punishment, and carry very heavy loads. I don’t know much about ordinance, but I believe the A-1 in the photo has a mixed load of napalm and conventional weapons based on larger annotated photos of the A-1 seen on other Vietnam War web sites. The A-1s were often used to provide escort protection for rescue helicopters … NKP was important with respect to air rescue because of its proximity to North Vietnam and had Jolly Green and Pedro Air Rescue units.

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