Sunday, March 20, 2011

A-1 Skyraiders at Pleiku

A pair of armed Vietnamese A-1 Skyraiders preparing for takeoff at Plieku Airbase in the central part of South Vietnam – 1972. The piston driven, single-seat Douglas aircraft originated during the early 1940s in WW2. It later saw service in Korea and then Vietnam where it was absorbed from the US Navy for use in Air Forces of both the US and South Vietnam. The A-1 had ability to carry large bomb loads, absorb heavy ground fire, and fly for long periods at low altitude; the A-1 was particularly suited for close air support missions. Vietnam call sign was Sandy, and it was often used as an escort for helicopters on rescue missions. Appear to be carrying 3 conventional weapons under each wing. These are probably A-1H models?


  1. These Skyraiers perhaps belong to the 530rd Fighter Squadron "Thai Duong" Jupiter based at Pleiku, it was the last Fighter Squadron operated the Spads until the end of the war.
    The front Skyraider is the latest version AD-7 or A-1J, the one in the back is AD-5 or A-1E Skyraider.

  2. CoHung

    Thanks for knowledgable comments on the A1's. I visited your two Blog sites related to the VNAF ... you are an incredible artist. Love all your work and model creations.

    Bob Young
