Sunday, March 20, 2011

C-130-E External Fuel

A pair of beautiful C-130’s loading up in the hot midday sun of Saigon TSN Airbase, Vietnam – 1972. Here is a good view of the external fuel tank suspended below the wing between the two engines. The C-130-E had 4 main and 2 auxiliary fuel tanks in the wings along with the 2 external tanks. Total fuel capacity was 9,530 gallons or about 42,000 pounds. It’s interesting to note that the second aircraft in the background does not have external tanks. I suspect this was an older model C-130 belonging to the Vietnamese AF … they often flew “A” models although this one does not have the associated 3-bladded prop and stubby nose that would be expected ... therefore I think it is a "B' model.

1 comment:

  1. The one behind is probably a C-130B from the 774th TAS at Clark. The 774th was the last B-model squadron in PACAF. It inactivated in June 1972. The Vietnamese never had B-models.
