Saturday, March 5, 2011

Invert Control at NKP

INVERT was a highly decorated unit operated as one of a small constellation of Tactical Air Control radar units, and contributed to an overlapping radar  control network for Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and  Vietnam. Invert monitored a 500 nautical mile-diameter hemisphere of airspace. They watched everyone who ever took off, flew and landed. Pictured is barracks area for Invert Controllers at Nakom Phnom (NKP) Airbase in Thailand, right on the border with Laos. Typical wooden, tin roofed buildings supported by concrete blocks … even had raised concrete walkways to keep the feet dry. Looks like this was laundry day for some of the troops. Also notice a few nylon mesh hammocks that were commonly strung up in the barracks areas, and doubled as clothes lines.


  1. That was my hootch directly behind and to the right of the INVERT sign. Was a Ground Radio Repairman 30454, there from July 1970 to July 1971. The hootches were still there in 2000, but were gone in 2002.

    Les Thompson
    Nakhon Phanom Royal Thai AFB

  2. hi les ... thanks for reply ... lots of memories recirculating as i sort through these old 35mm slides. i think this photo was probably late 1972 or early 1973 at least a year after you had left. recall the nkp building with santa's sleigh pulled by water buffalo?

  3. My hooch was visible as well. Just the other side of the picnic tables. I was with Invert OPS from 73-74/ Played on the squadron softball and football teams.

  4. Banana stalks in new birds mustang. Interesting times. Ops 73-74

  5. Ssgt Wharton Material Control Invert also manager of Red Devil Inn 1972-1973

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  8. Thank you so much for taking the time to share this! My father was an air-weapons controller there.

  9. My hooch was the second on the left I had the upper bunk on the right side just inside the door. I worked in Ops as a 2786 from 72-73.

  10. Did you folks flight follow Nail FACS? Nail21WWW
