Saturday, March 19, 2011

Jakarta Good Deal

The Good, the Bad, the Ugly … got to see a huge range of places given the variety of flying tactical airlift. Here our C-130 crew had a fortunate “good deal”  trip to Jakarta, Indonesian to include some moments of relaxation and fun. Pictured is part of the crew (Captain Ed, Flight Engineer Tony, and Loadmaster Jim) sitting in courtyard of hotel we stayed at for a few days. Tropical plants, rock garden, thatched canopy sitting area, and a cooler of cold beer … not too shabby. You can see we all decided to buy local headgear … black velvet Nehru-like caps. A funny follow up: after a few beers someone leaned up against the large center post supporting the thatched canopy … it must have been rotten at ground level, and over it went. Fortunately the beer did not get damaged. What even happened to that hat?

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