Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Roadmap to home ... NKP

Fortunately place/time was written on most of my SEA 35mm slides taken about 40 years ago … not a priority, as flying, smoking, and drinking sadly engaged most of waking moments … maybe an exaggeration, but inherently true. Sure, some places in photos are recognizable, but others not so much so. For this attached photo a bit of pre-GPS map work could have located the place … BUT given the mileage signs in this particular snapshot it’s unique beyond any other photos in collection. This is Nakom Phnom Airbase, Thailand. I think it really illustrates the remoteness, both physical and emotional, of our presence away from the USA … a shock to a previous young civilian lifestyle. It’s not a hop, skip, and jump from home, nor a place where most really wanted to be, at least at this point in time. Realizing this spot is much different to those in rugged, overrun hot zones in Vietnam, for me it nonetheless graphically underlines impact of being in a different place during time of war on foreign soil. "ASYLUM" and "ENOUGH" somehow crept in to the sign makers phyche.

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