Thursday, April 28, 2011

C-130-E Up Close In Flight

Photo taken from copilot's position on another C-130. This baby cruising along at about 10,000 feet ... all cleaned up with retracted gear and flaps ... engines all in perfect synch and humming their unmistakable sound ... she's looking good in slightly dirty camo dress. Over Vietnam - 1973.


  1. We often flew like this. My A/C was Capt Berlecamp, , and He liked to Fly Formation with Capt "Huey" long Both old "A" model pilots From The 815TCS at Tachikawa

  2. hi wayne ... thanks for comment, and good hearing from fellow cck'er. this photo is a little deceptive in that it was taken with a telephoto lens, so we weren't really as up close and personal as it might look :-)
