Saturday, April 23, 2011

Saigon Vietnam Ramp C-130s and A-1

Extremely packed ramp area at Tan Son Nhut Airbase, Saigon, Vietnam – 1973. This was the last time our C-130 crew was in Vietnam as the US was withdrawing all its military forces as part of the Vietnamization of the war. In preparation for the pullout, massive amounts of US military assets were being sent to South Vietnam … goal was to help South Vietnam go it alone in the war effort after US departure. Here in photo a fleet of eight C-130-A cargo planes had been delivered then parked on secondary taxiways because of the overcrowded ramp. Also in photo is a A-1E Skyraider revving it’s single engine prop, and loaded with yellow-tipped, underwing weapons. To the right is tail (#925) of a C-47 Gooney Bird, along with familiar blue, extended-cab Ford ramp vehicles, and a yellow Shell Oil aviation fuel truck.

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