Saturday, May 14, 2011

Butcher at Open Air Market South East Asia

Photo of butcher hard at work in open-air market ... could be Vietnam, Taiwan, or Indonesia - 1972. Not sure if it was luck or built-up tolerance, but my Western stomach never suffered I'll effects of "don't drink the water or eat the food" adventures in SEA ... overdoing alcohol not to be considered in that statement. Never much sign of refrigeration at these markets ... get there early before midday heat. Also interesting to note cutting board appears to be a section of a tree trunk ... very "green" in today's world I think. Looks like butcher had three piles for separation of carved meat ... the "good stuff" on the right, fatty meat on the middle tray, and all fat in the left tray and bowl. The hanging sausage may be end product of the middle tray. Off to the right out of frame was a sausage machine that would be a health inspectors nightmare. However, all things considered a blessing to have access to food in relative abundance.

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