Saturday, May 7, 2011

C-130 Oven Hue Vietnam

Hanging out the cockpit window of C-130-E while parked on the ramp in Hue, Vietnam - 1972. Without engines running there was no air conditioning, and the inside of the aircraft was like an oven in the Southeast Asian heat. One window on each side of the cockpit opened inward to provide just a little bit of ventilation. These windows also allowed emergency escape from the plane if you could manage to maneuver through it with aid of a handle on the inside above the window ... while dropping to the ground you would need to avoid the pointy object about 4 feet below the window. This was the critical pitot tube that provided airspeed to instruments in the cockpit. Important line items of the pilot's checklists were "Pitot Heat - On/Off" ... if these devices iced up at altitude they could provide incorrect airspeed that could be fatal.

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