Saturday, May 14, 2011

Laotian and Vietnamese Leaflets

Pictured are Laotian and Vietnamese leaflets from early 1970s contributed by CCK C-130 Crew Chief Jack Braine (also pictured here). Jack said ... "attached are both sides of the leaflets. I had them checked out and the one in Vietnamese is a surrender and safe conduct pass. The other one with the pictures is Laotian and is a recruitment leaflet. I snagged that one off an E-Flight aircraft."
I recall flying a few C-130-E leaflet drops ... we called them "bullsh*t bomber" missions. We would fly a series of parallel racetrack patterns at altitude. At predetermined intervals crewmembers in the cargo area of C-130 would toss a box of leaflets out the open rear cargo doors. The cardboard box would explode in the airstream, raining down thousands of leaflets. Pallets in rear of plane contains many, many, many of these leaflet boxes. The boys in the back were harnessed to the plane to avoid taking an quick, unplanned ride to the ground through the open doors.

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