Sunday, September 15, 2013

C-123 and C-47 Array
Very neatly arranged array of alternating C-123 Providers and C-47 Gooney Birds on ramp at Clarke Airbase, Philippines 1973. Including tails visible in the background there appears to be at least 18 C-123's. It looks like these belonged to USAF from markings barely visible in photo. I did some quick research, but did not discover what wing or function these aircraft might have had although perhaps it may have been a redeployment ... just don't know as our C-130 crew was only a transient visitor to Clarke. The C-123 provided a large number of roles in Vietnam War besides medium transport: dispersion of Agent Orange (Ranch Hand), covert operations including CIA, illumination (Candle), and more. There was a gunship version of the C-47 called Spooky. There appears to be a gap in middle of photo where there is no C-47 between 2 C-123's; however on close inspection there is a C-47 there only it's camo and not white. Also in background is white   tail of a C-141 transport with high mounted horizontal stabilizer. An accountant must have been responsible for the aircraft parking arrangement :-)

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