Sunday, September 15, 2013

Clarke Airbase Philippines
Pictured is portion of Clarke Airbase in the Philippines which I visited on numerous occasions while in SEA 1972 with rugged mountains in background. This was a very important base during Vietnam War including a very large military hospital. First visit I made to Clarke was for USAF Jungle Survival School based in nearby jungle via a quick rocky ride in large transport helicopter. Second  visit was via a DC-9 Nightengale medivac jet when I spent 2 weeks in the hospital with an undiagnosed "jungle fever". Several other visits there were with C-130-E crew for operational assignments. Generally Clarke was a fun place. Remember playing liars dice at officer's club late at night, and shopping for "monkey pod" (wood carvings) at offbase shops in Angeles City. There never was enough transient on-base housing so our crew always spent overnights at local motels that had lively bars, and "covert" gambling casinos ... we usually stayed at the same place but I can't recall the name. There were Filipino uniformed, armed, government guards everywhere offbase as this was a time of Marcos martial law. Photo shows some old autos as well as a F-5 fighter (upper right) which was an armed version of the twin engine T-38 jet we flew in pilot training and which the USAF Thunderbirds used during their air shows for a period of time. The USA pulled out of Clarke and Subic Bay (important naval port) in 1991. The pullout was coincident with eruption of Mt. Pinatubo volcano which showered Clarke with ash and debris as well as cooling relations between Philippines and USA. Recently read in 2012 that USA may return to Clarke.

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